Kinematics of individual muscle units in natural contractions measured in vivo using ultrafast ultrasound.
Emma LubelBruno Grandi SgambatoDeren Yusuf BarsakciogluJaime IbáñezMeng-Xing TangDario FarinaPublished in: Journal of neural engineering (2022)
Objective. The study of human neuromechanical control at the motor unit (MU) level has predominantly focussed on electrical activity and force generation, whilst the link between these, i.e. the muscle deformation, has not been widely studied. To address this gap, we analysed the kinematics of muscle units in natural contractions. Approach. We combined high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) and ultrafast ultrasound (US) recordings, at 1000 frames per second, from the tibialis anterior muscle to measure the motion of the muscular tissue caused by individual MU contractions. The MU discharge times were identified online by decomposition of the HDsEMG and provided as biofeedback to 12 subjects who were instructed to keep the MU active at the minimum discharge rate (9.8 ± 4.7 pulses per second; force less than 10% of the maximum). The series of discharge times were used to identify the velocity maps associated with 51 single muscle unit movements with high spatio-temporal precision, by a novel processing method on the concurrently recorded US images. From the individual MU velocity maps, we estimated the region of movement, the duration of the motion, the contraction time, and the excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling delay. Main results. Individual muscle unit motions could be reliably identified from the velocity maps in 10 out of 12 subjects. The duration of the motion, total contraction time, and E-C coupling were 17.9±5.3 ms, 56.6±8.4 ms, and 3.8±3.0 ms ( n = 390 across ten participants). The experimental measures also provided the first evidence of muscle unit twisting during voluntary contractions and MU territories with distinct split regions. Significance. The proposed method allows for the study of kinematics of individual MU twitches during natural contractions. The described measurements and characterisations open new avenues for the study of neuromechanics in healthy and pathological conditions.