Activation of β-adrenergic (β-AR) signaling induces fight-or-flight stress responses which include enhancement of cardiopulmonary function, metabolic regulation, and muscle contraction. Classical dogma for β-AR signaling has dictated that the receptor-mediated response results in an acute and transient signal. However, more recent studies support more wide-ranging roles for β-AR signaling with long-term effects including cell differentiation that requires precisely timed and coordinated integration of many signaling pathways that culminate in precise epigenomic chromatin modifications. In this chapter, we discuss cold stress/β-AR signaling-induced epigenomic changes in adipose tissues that influence adaptive thermogenesis. We highlight recent studies showing dual roles for the histone demethylase JMJD1A as a mediator of both acute and chronic thermogenic responses to cold stress, in two distinct thermogenic tissues, and through two distinct molecular mechanisms. β-AR signaling not only functions through transient signals during acute stress responses but also relays a more sustained signal to long-term adaptation to environmental changes.