Throughout his professional life, the pathologist Albert Dietrich devoted himself to researching and combating cancer. Due to his considerable reputation and success, he was one of the first doctors to be awarded the Paracelsus Medal for his scientific services in 1952.However, Dietrich's role in the Third Reich was - and still is - far less defined. In May 1933, he became rector of the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, which at that time was one of the most Nazi-oriented universities. However, his term of office was short - by the end of 1933 he had already been replaced by the protestant theologian Karl Fezer.This article sheds light on Dietrich's ambivalent relationship to National Socialism and analyzes and discusses the background to his dismissal, his later (also politically influenced) emeritus status (1938/39), and his entry into the NSDAP, which took place at retirement age (1941). The study is based on archival sources partly evaluated for the first time and on a reanalysis of the relevant research literature.The study shows that Dietrich was targeted by individual Nazi decision-makers primarily because he advocated a supposedly "liberalist" university policy. Dietrich thus ultimately stands for a type of university lecturer who renounced a decidedly Nazi stance in public without, however, placing himself in a critical relationship to Nazi ideology. Against this background, statements from the postwar period that saw him retrospectively near Nazi opposition are to be classified as the formation of legends.