Neutron and Gamma-Ray Detection System Coupled to a Multirotor for Screening of Shipping Container Cargo.
Luís MarquesLuís FélixGonçalo CruzVasco CoelhoJoão CaetanoAlberto ValeCarlos CruzLuís M C AlvesPedro VazPublished in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
In order to detect special nuclear materials and other radioactive materials in Security and Defense scenarios, normally, a combination of neutron and gamma-ray detection systems is used. In particular, to avoid illicit traffic of special nuclear materials and radioactive sources/materials, radiation portal monitors are placed at seaports to inspect shipping-container cargo. Despite their large volume (high efficiency), these detection systems are expensive, and therefore only a fraction of these containers are inspected. In this work, a novel mobile radiation detection system is presented, based on an EJ-200 plastic scintillator for the detection of gamma rays and beta particles, and a neutron detector EJ-426HD plastic scintillator (with 6 Li) embedded in a compact and modular moderator. The use of silicon photomultipliers in both detectors presented advantages such as lightweight, compactness, and low power consumption. The developed detection system was integrated in a highly maneuverable multirotor. Monte Carlo simulations were validated by laboratory measurements and field tests were performed using real gamma-ray and neutron sources. The detection and localization within one meter was achieved using a maximum likelihood estimation algorithm for 137 Cs sources (4 MBq), as well as the detection of 241 Am-beryllium (1.45 GBq) source placed inside the shipping container.