Volume Fluctuations in Active and Nonactive Transtibial Prosthetics Users.
Nur Afiqah HamzahNasrul Anuar Abd RazakMohd Sayuti Ab KarimSiti Zuliana SallehPublished in: BioMed research international (2022)
This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Biosculptor's Bioscanner system in capturing transtibial residual limb volume fluctuations in active and nonactive amputees during walking activity. Residual limb volume was obtained by measuring the limb circumference after amputees walked for 5 to 25 minutes for five consecutive days. The comparison of mean circumference between Bioscanner and manual measurements (i.e., tape measure) showed that the Bioscanner gave a higher estimation of circumference for the different amputees. Short-term changes in girth and volume due to an activity such as walking do not fluctuate uniformly. The results reflected as such as nonconsistence circumference change identified at different locations of the circumference profiles. Both amputees experienced a significant increase in circumference at the distal end of the limbs after 5 minutes of walking (7.35% change in nonactive and 8.83% in active amputees), and the measurement decreased as amputees walked longer. At 4-8 cm below the mid-patella tendon (pressure tolerant areas), both amputees experienced minor changes in the size of their circumference. The residual limb volume calculation resulted in the percentage difference between the two methods ranging from 2.4% to 9.3%. Pearson coefficient correlation obtained showed a high correlation between the two techniques, ranging from 0.97 to 1. The analysis of the limit of agreements showed that the majority of measurements were closed to the mean, suggesting that Bioscanner and manual techniques may be interchangeable and agree with one another. This study has implied that Bioscanner is comparable to the standard measurement method and may serve as an alternative tool in managing daily residual limb volume change.