Use of Drugs in Clinical Practice and the Associated Cost of Cancer Treatment in Adult Patients with Solid Tumors: A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study.

Maria-Josep CarrerasElena Tomás-GuillénAnna FarriolsBerta Renedo-MiróCarolina ValdiviaJana VidalCristina SauraJoan CarlesEnriqueta FelipMaria-Queralt GorgasJosep TaberneroJosep Monterde
Published in: Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) (2023)
This study provides detailed insights on the oncological pharmaceutical expenditure for the treatment for solid tumors in the VHUH, based on real cost information from our hospital practice and for all antineoplastic therapies and types of solid tumors. This type of information on all the different types of cancer can be useful to better understand the economic burden of the disease and can be decisive for allocating public resources and funds for research, especially in those areas where information is scarce and therefore where further studies are needed. The contribution to knowledge of the cost of oncology therapy is of great value due to its realism and scope.