Macronutrient Recommendations for Remission and Prevention of Diabetes in Asian Indians Based on a Data-Driven Optimization Model: The ICMR-INDIAB National Study.
Ranjit Mohan AnjanaSeshadhri SrinivasanVasudevan SudhaShashank R JoshiBanshi SabooNikhil TandonAshok Kumar DasPuthiyaveettil Kottayam JabbarSri Venkata MadhuArvind GuptaSarita BajajSubhankar ChowdhurySanjay KalraRajagopal GayathriKuzhandaivelu AbiramiValangaiman Sriram ManasaThamotharan PadmaprithaNagarajan LakshmipriyaGunasekaran GeethaMohan DeepaRajendra PradeepaRanjit UnnikrishnanAnura Viswanath KurpadKamala KrishnaswamyTanvir KaurRupinder Singh DhaliwalViswanathan Mohannull nullPublished in: Diabetes care (2022)
We recommend reduction in carbohydrates (%E) and an increase in protein (%E) for both T2D remission and for prevention of progression to T2D in PD and NGT groups. Our results underline the need for new dietary guidelines that recommend appropriate changes in macronutrient composition for reducing the burden due to diabetes in South Asia.