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Understanding Ir(III) Photocatalyst Structure-Activity Relationships: A Highly Parallelized Study of Light-Driven Metal Reduction Processes.

Stephen DiLuzioTimothy U ConnellVelabo MdluliJakub F KowalewskiStefan Bernhard
Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2022)
High-throughput synthesis and screening methods were used to measure the photochemical activity of 1440 distinct heteroleptic [Ir(C^N) 2 (N^N)] + complexes for the photoreduction of Sn(II) and Zn(II) cations to their corresponding neutral metals. Kinetic data collection was carried out using home-built photoreactors and measured initial rates, obtained through an automated fitting algorithm, spanned between 0-120 μM/s for Sn(0) deposition and 0-90 μM/s for Zn(0) deposition. Photochemical reactivity was compared to photophysical properties previously measured such as deaerated excited state lifetime and emission spectral data for these same complexes; however, no clear correlations among these features were observed. A formal photochemical rate law was then developed to help elucidate the observed reactivity. Initial rates were found to be directly correlated to the product of incident photon flux with three reaction elementary efficiencies: (1) the fraction of light absorbed by the photocatalyst, (2) the fraction of excited state species that are quenched by the electron donor, and (3) the cage escape efficiency. The most active catalysts exhibit high efficiencies for all three steps, and catalyst engineering requirements to maximize these elementary efficiencies were postulated. The kinetic treatment provided the mechanistic information needed to decipher the observed structure/function trends in the high-throughput work.