5-Nitrofuryl-Containing Thiosemicarbazone Gold(I) Compounds: Synthesis, Stability Studies, and Anticancer Activity.
Esteban Rodríguez-ArceEric GavrilovXimena AlviteNazia NayeemIgnacio Esteban LeónMichelle C NearyLucía OteroDinorah GambinoClaudio Olea AzarMaria ContelPublished in: ChemPlusChem (2023)
Invited for this month's cover are the collaborating groups of Esteban Rodríguez-Arce from the University of Chile and María Contel from The City University of New York Brooklyn College. The cover picture shows "Supergold" a very powerful gender neutral warrior with superpowers who fights against cancer! The warrior's golden armor and sword represent the pharmacological power of the gold atom. Engraved on the shield, the gold-thiosemicarbazone molecules are the warrior's coat of arms. Supergold selectively destroys different cancer cells. More information can be found in the Research Article by Esteban Rodríguez-Arce, María Contel, and co-workers.