Haplotype-resolved genomes of geminivirus-resistant and geminivirus-susceptible African cassava cultivars.
Joel-E KuonWeihong QiPascal SchläpferMatthias Hirsch-HoffmannPhilipp Rogalla von BiebersteinAndrea PatrignaniLucy PovedaStefan GrobMiyako KellerRie Shimizu-InatsugiUeli GrossniklausHervé VanderschurenWilhelm GruissemPublished in: BMC biology (2019)
The genome maps of the CMD2 locus in both 60444 and TME3, together with the newly annotated genes, will help the identification of the causal genetic basis of CMD2 resistance to geminiviruses. Our de novo cassava genome assemblies will also facilitate genetic mapping approaches to narrow the large CMD2 region to a few candidate genes for better informed strategies to develop robust geminivirus resistance in susceptible cassava cultivars.