Beryllium carbonyl Be(CO) n ( n = 1-4) complex: a p-orbital analogy of Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model.
Siddhartha K PurkayasthaShahnaz S RohmanPattiyil ParameswaranAnkur Kanti GuhaPublished in: Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP (2024)
Transition metal-carbonyl bonds are rationalized by M ← CO σ donation and M → CO π back donation where the d orbital of the transition metal is involved. This bonding model provided by Dewar, Chatt and Duncanson (DCD) has rationalized many transition metal-ligand bonds. The involvement of p orbital in such a DCD model can be intriguing. Alkaline earth metals with ns 2 np 0 configuration may appear suitable as ns 0 np 2 excitation has been recognized in many complexes. Herein, a theoretical study is presented for the Be(CO) n ( n = 1-4) complex to verify this assumption. Detailed electronic structure analyses confirmed the involvement of the p orbital of beryllium in M → CO π back donation, thereby supporting the hypothesis. EDA-NOCV results reveal that the π-back donation from the central Be atom to CO ligands significantly predominates over the σ donation from the ligands for both Be(CO) 3 and Be(CO) 4 . Our calculations reveal that Be(CO) 4 is the highest carbonyl that may be experimentally detected.