EIF4G1 is neither a strong nor a common risk factor for Parkinson's disease: evidence from large European cohorts.
Johanna HuttenlocherRejko KrügerPhilipp CapetianKatja LohmannKathrin BrockmannIlona CsotiChristine KleinDaniela BergThomas GasserMichael BoninOlaf RiessPeter BauerPublished in: Journal of medical genetics (2014)
This is the largest genetic study of EIF4G1 mutations in PD. Our data do not support the EIF4G1 gene as a high-risk PD locus, neither for the familial nor the sporadic condition. Furthermore, the p.Arg1205His mutation is not significantly associated with increased risk of PD in the Icelandic population. Therefore, caution should be exercised when interpreting EIF4G1 genotyping results in isolated patients and PD families. In summary, diagnostic testing of EIF4G1 should not be recommended in clinical settings.