Adaptive optics (AO), a technique originally introduced by astronomers to correct for optical distortions when looking at distant stars, now benefits the entire optics and photonics society. Prof. Martin Booth, who leads his research lab at the University of Oxford where he started his career, was one of the first people to take advantage of AO for microscopy. Since then, he has been continuously promoting the wide application of AO in all aspects of biological research and material science. As one of the few people who has witnessed the growth of AO in various communities, Prof. Martin Booth talks about their major differences, as well as their current challenges and future development. He discusses how AO can benefit emerging areas and the key challenges that may be faced. Prof. Martin Booth has also been making continuous efforts in removing the barriers of AO so that it can be promoted towards the wider community. Finally, he shares his experience from actively taking up different roles in education and in various societies and provides valuable advice to all early career researchers on the wisdom of being successful in their future careers. It is an honour for us to invite Prof. Martin Booth on this issue, and to learn from his inspirations, enthusiasm, and dedication.