Upper-limb rehabilitation exoskeletons offer a valuable solution to support and enhance the rehabilitation path of neural-injured patients. Such devices are usually equipped with a network of sensors that can be exploited to evaluate and monitor the performances of the users. In this work, we assess the normality ranges of different motor-performance indicators on a group of 15 healthy participants, computed with the benchmark toolbox of AGREE, an upper limb motorized exoskeleton. The toolbox implements a benchmarking scheme for the evaluation of the upper limb, used to test anterior reaching at rest position height and hand-to-mouth motor skills. We selected kinematic and electromyography performance indicators to assess the different motor abilities. We performed a pilot evaluation on three neurological patients, to verify if the AGREE benchmark toolbox was able to distinguish patients from healthy subjects on the basis of the selected performance indicators. Through a comparison between results obtained by the healthy and the small group of motor-impaired users, we successfully calculated the normality ranges for the selected performance indicators, and we pilot-showed how data gathered from AGREE can be used to evaluate the current status of the patients.