Clinical and ultrasound characteristics of vaginal lesions.

Federica PozzatiFrancesca MoroMartina LeombroniValentina BertoldoNausica TrivellizziFloriana MasciliniGiulia BolominiFrancesca CiccaroneGiorgia GarganeseGiovanni ScambiaAntonia Carla Testa
Published in: International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society (2020)
A typical ultrasound image of a benign lesion was a unilocular cyst or hypoechoic solid mass with no or minimal vascularization on color Doppler examination. Malignant vaginal lesions were hypoechoic solid tumors with irregular margins and moderate/rich vascularization or multilocular-solid. Ultrasound should be used to supplement the clinician in the management of vaginal lesions.