Bio and phyto-chemical effect of Amphora coffeaeformis extract against hepatic injury induced by paracetamol in rats.
Abo El-Khair B El-SayedWael Mahmoud Kamel AboulthanaAmal M El-FekyNoha E IbrahimMohamed M SeifPublished in: Molecular biology reports (2018)
Paracetamol is the most commonly used analgesic-antipyretic drugs. Its excess use causes an acute hepatotoxicity. It is well known that the Bacillariophyta alga Amphora coffeaeformis is rich in many photosynthetic pigments with antioxidant activities as well as a series of biologically active substances. The current work has been designed to study the phytochemical composition of different A. coffeaeformis algal extracts to select the most effective one. It was verified that acetone A. coffeaeformis algal extract is rich in various pigments and polyphenolic compounds (β-carotene (9.31 ± 0.06 mg·g-1), gallic acid (28.31 µg·g-1), catechin (38.08 µg·g-1) and p-coumaric acid (38.69 µg·g-1)). The pigments and phenolic profiles in acetone extract were determined in addition to isolation of β-carotene and fucoxanthin which exhibited free radical scavenging activity by 74.80% and 69.40%, respectively. Therefore, the highest total antioxidant capacity and free radical scavenging activity were noticed with this extract. Consequently, efficiency of this algal extract was evaluated against hepatic intoxication induced by paracetamol in rats. The biochemical measurements (liver functions and markers of oxidative stress) were assayed. Moreover, the native protein, lipid and calcium moieties of native protein patterns in addition to catalase (CAT); peroxidases (POX); α- and β-esterase (EST) isoenzymes and genomic DNA patterns were electrophoretically detected in liver tissues. It was found that paracetamol caused significant (P < 0.05) elevation in serum liver functions associated with decline in activities of the antioxidant enzymes in that tissues. Also, it caused alterations represented electrophoretically at qualitative level from variations in the bands number and arrangement. So that, the paracetamol treated group was noticed with the lowest similarity index (SI). In addition, it caused abnormalities at the quantitative level through variations in quantity of normal bands. Algal extract restored all the biochemical functions to normal levels in the algal extract simult-treated and pre-treated groups. Furthermore, it exhibited ameliorative effect against the electrophoretic alterations through restoring the absent normal bands and hiding the abnormal ones and hence increasing the SI values especially in the extract simult-treated group. Algal extract exhibited antagonistic effect against the hepatic injury and the deleterious effects induced by paracetamol in the extract simult-treated group.