[Differential diagnosis of pathogenetic types of cerebral ischemic infarctions].
P A MachinskyN A PlotnikovaV E UlyankinS P KemaikinA G RybakovPublished in: Arkhiv patologii (2021)
The paper provides a literature review of the differential diagnosis of pathogenetic types of cerebral infarction. It presents a number of features of ischemic strokes characteristic of both cerebrovascular diseases and other nosological entities (tumors, diseases of blood, heart, liver, kidneys, and various other organs). The analysis revealed the leading morphological components characteristic of the main pathogenetic types of cerebral infarctions in the group of cerebrovascular diseases (atherothrombotic, cardioembolic, lacunar, hemodynamic, and hemorheological ones), and of other nosological entities with acute ischemic stroke.