Association of SARS-CoV-2 viral load at admission with in-hospital acute kidney injury: A retrospective cohort study.

Ishan ParanjpeKumardeep ChaudharyKipp W JohnsonSuraj K JaladankiShan P ZhaoJessica K De FreitasElisabet PujadasFayzan F ChaudhryErwin P BöttingerMatthew A LevinZahi Adel FayadAlexander W CharneyJane HouldsworthCarlos Cordon-CardoBenjamin Scott GlicksbergGirish Nitin Nadkarni
Published in: PloS one (2021)
VL is weakly but significantly associated with in-hospital AKI after adjusting for confounders. This may indicate the role of VL in COVID-19 associated AKI. This data may inform future studies to discover the mechanistic basis of COVID-19 associated AKI.