In contrast to red blood cells, platelets float rather than sediment when a column of blood is placed in the gravitational field. By the analogy of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR), it can be expressed with the platelet antisedimentation rate (PAR), which quantitates the difference in platelet count between the upper and lower halves of the blood column after 1 h of 1 g sedimentation. Venous blood samples from 21 healthy subjects were analyzed for PAR. After a 1-h sedimentation, the upper and lower fractions of blood samples were analyzed for platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), immature platelet fraction (IPF), and high-fluorescence IPF (H-IPF). The mechanisms behind platelet flotation were explored by further partitioning of the blood column, time-dependent measurements of platelet count and comparison with ESR. The structure and function of the platelets were assessed by electron microscopy (EM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), and platelet aggregometry, respectively. Platelet antisedimentation is driven by density differences and facilitated by a size-exclusion mechanism caused by progressive erythrocyte sedimentation. The area under the curve (AUC) of the whole blood adenosine diphosphate (ADP) aggregation curves showed significant differences between the upper and lower samples ( p < .005). AUC in the upper samples of 38% of healthy subjects exceeded the top of the normal range (53-122) suggesting that ascending platelets show an intensified ADP-induced aggregability ex vivo. H-IPF was significantly higher in the upper samples ( p < .05). EM and AFM revealed that platelets in the upper samples were larger in volume and contained 1.6 times more alpha granules compared to platelets in the lower samples. Our results indicate that antisedimentation is able to differentiate platelet populations based on their structural and functional properties. Therefore, PAR may be a suitable laboratory parameter in various thromboinflammatory disorders.