Less Than the Sum of Its Parts: Blade Clustering Reduces Drag in the Bull Kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana (Phaeophyceae).
Alana BreitkreutzLiam J M ColemanPatrick T MartonePublished in: Journal of phycology (2022)
Nereocystis luetkeana is a large, canopy-forming kelp that is commonly found in nearshore waters between Alaska and California. Despite regularly reaching lengths in excess of 30 m, this alga demonstrates a remarkable ability to endure hydrodynamically stressful environments without being dislodged by waves or currents. While morphological aspects of this kelp, including its long flexible stipe, have been shown to reduce drag, blade clustering has never been directly tested. In this study, we examined how the distinctive multi-bladed morphology of Nereocystis thalli limits drag in flow. We measured drag on whole kelps in a large recirculating flume and quantified how drag was affected by serial removal of blades. We then compared measured drag with predictions of "additive drag", which we defined as the sum of the drag that each blade experiences in isolation. We found that, on average, intact thalli experience only 37% of the predicted additive drag when subjected to a flow rate of 0.40-0.50 m · s -1 . Our results indicate that the subdivision of the photosynthetic area into multiple blades has a drag-reducing effect on Nereocystis thalli. We found drag increases less than proportionally with the cumulative area, meaning the contribution of individual blades to overall drag decreases with increasing blade number. That is, as thalli develop, each additional blade incurs a reduced hydrodynamic cost, perhaps lending insight into how thalli can grow so large.