Association between kidney function, nutritional status and anthropometric measures in older people : The Screening for CKD among Older People across Europe (SCOPE) study.
Agnieszka GuligowskaAndrea CorsonelloMałgorzata PigłowskaRegina Roller-WirnsbergerGerhard WirnsbergerJohan ÄrnlövAxel C CarlssonLisanne TapFrancesco Mattace-RasoFrancesc FormigaRafael Moreno-GonzalezEllen FreibergerCornel SieberPedro Gil GregorioSara Laínez MartínezRada Artzi-MedvedikIlan YehoshuaPaolo FabbiettiFabrizia LattanzioTomasz Kostkanull nullPublished in: BMC geriatrics (2020)
The population of community dwelling people aged 75+ with CKD shows general features of overweight and obesity with a small prevalence of malnutrition. For anthropometric measures, the strongest association with eGFR and the highest odds of CKD were identified using WC, HC, CC and WHtR. Albumin level and MNA, but not MNA Short Form, indicated an increased odds of malnutrition with a decrease in eGFR.