Intravascular lithotripsy for severely calcified carotid artery stenosis - A new frontier in carotid artery stenting?
Jasmeet SinghAnna Luisa KuhnFrancesco MassariMarwa ElnazeirRoberto KutcherAjit S PuriPublished in: Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences (2022)
Carotid stenosis due to severely calcified plaque can pose a significant therapeutic challenge. Extremely calcified scars/stenosis plaques can be challenging from an endovascular treatment perspective as severely calcified lesions are prone to technical failure, stent re-coil and restenosis. Intravascular lithotripsy, approved for treatment of severely calcified coronary lesions, can be used for breaking up the calcium build up in the intimal and medial layers of the vessel wall prior to stenting. This was designated as a breakthrough device innovation by the Food and Drug Administration. This new technique addresses the challenge of the disease without compromising patient safety during the procedure. We here report procedural set-up, execution and early patient follow up from our first use of this emerging technology in a neurointerventional practice setting.