Bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoAHV-1) infections lead to compromised herd health and significantly reduced productivity of affected cattle. While BoAHV-1 may cause rhinotracheitis, conjunctivitis, genital infections, and abortions, respiratory tract infections constitute the predominant clinical disease. Immune suppression induced by BoAHV-1 may contribute to co-infections initiating the bovine respiratory disease complex. In this review, the emphasis is to recapitulate the biology and the vaccine technologies currently in use and in development for BoAHV-1, and to discuss the major limitations. Studies on the life cycle and host interactions of BoAHV-1 have resulted in the identification of virulence factors. While several vaccine types, such as vectored vaccines and subunit vaccines, are under investigation, modified live and inactivated BoAHV-1 vaccines are still most frequently used in most areas of the world, whereas attenuated and inactivated marker vaccines are in use in Europe. The knowledge gained from studies on the biology of BoAHV-1 can form a basis for the rational design of future vaccines.