Ten-Minute Physical Activity Breaks Improve Attention and Executive Functions in Healthcare Workers.

Francesco FischettiIlaria PepeGianpiero GrecoMaurizio RanieriLuca PoliStefania CataldiLuigi Vimercati
Published in: Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology (2024)
Occupational health is a major problem in modern work environments. Physical activity breaks (PABs), short exercise periods delivered during working hours, incorporating exergames or outdoor activities, have emerged as a novel approach that could be used to improve work efficiency and workplace wellbeing. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the impact of PABs on attention levels and executive functions in healthcare workers. A total of 27 healthcare workers (M = 14, W = 13; 49.55 ± 12.46 years), after 4 h of work, randomly performed one of three 10 min conditions weekly in a counterbalanced order: No Physical Activity Break (NPAB); Outdoor Physical Activity Break (OPAB); Physical Activity Break with Exergame (PABEx). After the conditions, executive functions and selective attention were assessed by the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT), and the Trail Making A,B test (TMT A,B), respectively. Significant differences between OPAB and NPAB as well as between PABEx and NPAB in the TMT-A test χ2(2) = 44.66 ( p < 0.001) and TMT-B test χ2(2) = 48.67 ( p < 0.001) were found, respectively. TMT-A and SCWT interference/time scores of the PABEx and OPAB conditions were significantly lower than those of NPAB ( p < 0.001). In the SCWT interference/error score, no significant difference was found between the PABEx and NPAB ( p > 0.05), but the score was statistically lower in the OPAB condition than PABEx ( p = 0.001) and PABEx condition compared to OPAB for TMT-A ( p = 0.001). Findings showed that the OPAB and PABEx conditions are effective in improving selective attention and executive functions in healthcare workers. Employers can foster a healthier and more productive workforce by promoting a culture of movement and prioritizing employee health, which in turn can enhance patient care outcomes.