Carbonate-Induced Chemical Reductants Are Responsible for Iron Acquisition in Strategy I Wild Herbaceous Plants Native to Calcareous Grasslands.
Baolan WangHaifang WeiZhuo ChenYuting LiWen-Hao ZhangPublished in: Plant & cell physiology (2022)
Significant progress has been made in understanding Strategy I iron (Fe) acquisition using crop/model plants under controlled conditions in laboratories. However, plant species native to calcareous soils may have evolved unique strategies for adaptation to high carbonate/pH-induced Fe deficiency. Until now, little information is available on the Fe acquisition mechanisms in these plants. Here, we explored the Fe acquisition mechanisms in wild dicot species native to calcareous grasslands, by monitoring the Fe nutrition-related rhizosphere processes in field and greenhouse conditions. Most of these wild species displayed comparable shoot Fe concentration to those of crops, and some dicots actually accumulated very high shoot Fe. However, these species did not exhibit ferric reductase oxidase (FRO)-dependent Strategy I responses to Fe deficiency, including visual rhizosphere acidification and increased Fe3+ reduction. In contrast, chemical reductants exuded by roots of dicots were responsible for Fe3+ reduction in these wild plants. These features were not observed in the FRO-dependent Strategy I crop plant cucumber. Neither leaf chlorophyll nor shoot/root Fe was depressed by 10% CaCO3 application in all the examined wild species. Furthermore, their root exudation was significantly activated by CaCO3, leading to an increased Fe3+ reduction. We show that chemical reductant-mediated Fe3+ reduction occurs preferentially in these wild dicots and that these mechanisms are not sensitive to high soil carbonate/pH. Our findings support that Fe acquisition in Strategy I wild plants native to calcareous soils is substantially different from the enzyme-dependent system of Strategy I plants.