New Chelate Resins Prepared with Direct Red 23 for Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ , Cu 2+ and Pb 2+ Removal.
Nicoleta Mirela MarinAnton FicaiLucian Alexandru ConstantinLudmila MotelicaRoxana TruscaPublished in: Polymers (2022)
In this paper, two chelate resins prepared by a simple procedure were used for the removal of Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ , Cu 2+ , and Pb 2+ (M 2+ ) from aqueous solutions. Amberlite IRA 402 strongly basic anion exchange resin in Cl - form (IRA 402 (Cl - ) together with Amberlite XAD7HP acrylic ester co-polymer (XAD7HP) were functionalized with chelating agent Direct red 23 (DR 23). The chelate resins (IRA 402-DR 23 and XAD7HP-DR 23) were obtained in batch mode. The influence of interaction time, pH and the initial concentration of DR 23 solution was investigated using UV-Vis spectrometry. The time necessary to reach equilibrium was 90 min for both resins. A negligible effect of adsorption capacity ( Q e ) was obtained when the DR 23 solution was adjusted at a pH of 2 and 7.9. The Q e of the XAD7HP resin (27 mg DR 23/g) is greater than for IRA 402 (Cl - ) (21 mg DR 23/g). The efficiency of chelating resins was checked via M 2+ removal determined by the atomic adsorption spectrometry method (AAS). The M 2+ removal by the IRA 402-DR 23 and XAD7HP-DR 23 showed that the latter is more efficient for this propose. As a consequence, for divalent ions, the chelated resins followed the selectivity sequence: Cd 2+ > Cu 2+ > Ni 2+ > Pb 2+ . Additionally, Cd 2+ , Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ removal was fitted very well with the Freundlich model in terms of height correlation coefficient (R 2 ), while Pb 2+ was best fitted with Langmuir model for IRA 402-DR 23, the Cu 2+ removal is described by the Langmuir model, and Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ and Pb 2+ removal was found to be in concordance with the Freundlich model for XAD7HP-DR 23. The M 2+ elution from the chelate resins was carried out using 2 M HCl. The greater M 2+ recovery from chelating resins mass confirmed their sustainability. The chelate resins used before and after M 2+ removal by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis were evaluated.