The forecasting of the nature and dynamics of emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has gained a great concern for health care organizations and governments. The efforts aim to to suppress the rapid and global spread of its tentacles and also control the infection with the limited available resources. The aim of this work is to employ real data set to propose and analyze a compartmental discrete time COVID-19 pandemic model with non-linear incidence and hence predict and control its outbreak through dynamical research. The Basic Reproduction Number ( R 0 ) is calculated analytically to study the disease-free steady state ( R 0 < 1 ), and also the permanency case ( R 0 > 1 ) of the disease. Numerical results show that the transmission rates α > 0 and β > 0 are quite effective in reducing the COVID-19 infections in India or any country. The fitting and predictive capability of the proposed discrete-time system are presented for relishing the effect of disease through stability analysis using real data sets.