Dynamic single microparticle manipulation in the far-field region using plasmonic vortex lens multiple arms with a circular groove.
Fitri OktafianiJun-Quan ChenPo-Tsung LeePublished in: Nanoscale advances (2022)
Recent development of particle manipulation has led to high demand for dynamic optical tweezer structures. However, confining and rotating a single microparticle in the far-field region with a uniform potential distribution remains a complicated task. A plasmonic vortex lens (PVL) has been proven to easily rotate the dielectric particle owing to its effect on orbital angular momentum (OAM). Here we propose and demonstrate PVL multiple arms with a circular groove (CG). The device consists of a multiple arm spiral slit that generates a plasmonic vortex (PV) and a circular groove to bring the PV from the surface to the far-field region. Numerical simulations are performed to calculate the intensity distribution of the primary ring, the optical force and potential. The primary ring size can be adjusted using different polarization directions. PVL 2-arms with a CG has primary ring sizes of 1082 nm under right-handed circular polarization (RCP) and 517 nm under left-handed circular polarization (LCP). Based on these primary ring sizes, a 1 μm polystyrene (PS) bead can be rotated under RCP with a minimum required power of 7.45 mW and trapped under LCP with a minimum required power of 11.84 mW. For PVL 4-arms with a CG under RCP illumination, we optimize the uniform potential distribution by carefully selecting the radius of the groove. Using a groove radius of 1050 nm, we obtain the potential difference between the smallest and largest depth along the x - and y -directions of only 70 k B T / W with a minimum required power of 14.86 mW. The method and design discussed here offer an efficient way to manipulate microparticles for micro-rotors, cell dynamic analysis, etc.