Muscle Energy Technique in the Rehabilitative Treatment for Acute and Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Systematic Review.

Silvia SbardellaChiara La RussaAndrea BernettiMassimiliano MangoneAndrea GuarneraLetizia PezziMarco PaoloniFrancesco AgostiniValter SantilliRaoul SagginiTeresa Paolucci
Published in: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) (2021)
This analysis suggests that the MET approach has a good clinical effect on reducing neck pain in patients with acute neck pain and improves cervical range of motion in patients with chronic neck pain, and is better if combined with a traditional rehabilitative approach. This review's findings should be considered with caution for physiotherapy practice because of the studies' methodologic limitations. On the basis of the current available and limited evidence, clinicians could combine MET with traditional physiotherapy and other manual techniques when treating people with non-specific neck pain.