Novel Approaches for the Diagnosis of Concealed Nodo-Ventricular and His-Ventricular Pathways.

Satoshi HiguchiEdward P GerstenfeldHenry H HsiaChristopher X WongReginald T HoPatrick J TchouBatel NissanAyelet ShauerBernard BelhassenMelvin M Scheinman
Published in: Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology (2023)
cNV and cHV pathways mediated tachyarrhythmias can present with variable clinical presentations. We emphasize the important role of differential VOD sites, His refractory premature ventricular complexes that reset or terminate the tachycardia without conduction to the atrium, paradoxical atriohisian response in long RP tachycardia, and the use of adenosine for diagnosing cNV and cHV pathways.