Balloon remodeling-assisted Woven EndoBridge technique: description and feasibility for complex bifurcation aneurysms.
Cristian MihaleaSimon EscalardJildaz CaroffLéon IkkaAymeric RouchaudValerio Da RosIgor PagiolaJoaquin Jose Marenco de la TorreThomas YasudaBogdan Valeriu PopaHoria PlesNidhal BenachourAugustin OzanneJacques MoretLaurent SpellePublished in: Journal of neurointerventional surgery (2018)
The balloon remodeling-assisted WEB technique seems to be a safe and effective solution for endovascular treatment of unruptured wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms with specific complex anatomy. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the rate of complications and long-term efficacy.