A matching-based machine learning approach to estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimes with time-to-event outcomes.
Xuechen WangHyejung LeeBenjamin HaalandKathleen KerriganSonam PuriWallace AkerleyJincheng ShenPublished in: Statistical methods in medical research (2024)
Observational data (e.g. electronic health records) has become increasingly important in evidence-based research on dynamic treatment regimes, which tailor treatments over time to patients based on their characteristics and evolving clinical history. It is of great interest for clinicians and statisticians to identify an optimal dynamic treatment regime that can produce the best expected clinical outcome for each individual and thus maximize the treatment benefit over the population. Observational data impose various challenges for using statistical tools to estimate optimal dynamic treatment regimes. Notably, the task becomes more sophisticated when the clinical outcome of primary interest is time-to-event. Here, we propose a matching-based machine learning method to identify the optimal dynamic treatment regime with time-to-event outcomes subject to right-censoring using electronic health record data. In contrast to the established inverse probability weighting-based dynamic treatment regime methods, our proposed approach provides better protection against model misspecification and extreme weights in the context of treatment sequences, effectively addressing a prevalent challenge in the longitudinal analysis of electronic health record data. In simulations, the proposed method demonstrates robust performance across a range of scenarios. In addition, we illustrate the method with an application to estimate optimal dynamic treatment regimes for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer using a real-world, nationwide electronic health record database from Flatiron Health.