Bosonic condensation of exciton-polaritons in an atomically thin crystal.
Carlos Antón-SolanasMaximilian WaldherrMartin KlaasHolger SuchomelTristan H HarderHui CaiEvgeny SedovSebastian KlembtAlexey Vitalievich KavokinSefaattin TongayKenji WatanabeTakashi TaniguchiSven HöflingChristian SchneiderPublished in: Nature materials (2021)
The emergence of two-dimensional crystals has revolutionized modern solid-state physics. From a fundamental point of view, the enhancement of charge carrier correlations has sparked much research activity in the transport and quantum optics communities. One of the most intriguing effects, in this regard, is the bosonic condensation and spontaneous coherence of many-particle complexes. Here we find compelling evidence of bosonic condensation of exciton-polaritons emerging from an atomically thin crystal of MoSe2 embedded in a dielectric microcavity under optical pumping at cryogenic temperatures. The formation of the condensate manifests itself in a sudden increase of luminescence intensity in a threshold-like manner, and a notable spin-polarizability in an externally applied magnetic field. Spatial coherence is mapped out via highly resolved real-space interferometry, revealing a spatially extended condensate. Our device represents a decisive step towards the implementation of coherent light-sources based on atomically thin crystals, as well as non-linear, valleytronic coherent devices.