Erica L. (Ericaceae): homonyms amongst published names for African species and proposed replacement names.
E Charles NelsonE G H OliverMichael D PiriePublished in: PhytoKeys (2023)
In support of ongoing taxonomic work on the large and complex flowering plant genus Erica (Ericaceae), we document nineteen pairs of homonyms representing currently used illegitimate names. We provide replacements for thirteen names and new typifications for five. We relegate five names to synonymy: Ericaaemula Guthrie & Bolus under Ericadistorta Bartl.; Ericaarmata Klotzsch ex Benth. under Ericaumbrosa H. A. Baker; Ericacapensis T.M. Salter under Ericaturbiniflora Salisb.; Ericalanata Andrews under Ericaflaccida Link; and Ericatomentosa Salisb. under Ericavelutina Bartl. Finally, we suggest conservation of Ericaaristata Andrews. The new names are: Ericaadelopetala E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericainsignis E.G.H. Oliv.; Ericabombycina E.C. Nelson & Pirie replacing Ericaniveniana E.G.H. Oliv.; Ericaconcordia E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericaconstantia Nois. ex Benth.; Ericadidymocarpa E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericarugata E.G.H. Oliv.; Ericagalantha E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericaperlata Benth.; Ericamallotocalyx E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericaflocciflora Benth.; Ericanotoporina E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing E.autumnalis L.Bolus; Ericaoliveranthus E.C. Nelson & Pirie replacing Ericatenuis Salisb.; Ericaoraria E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericaspectabilis Klotzsch ex Benth.; Ericaoresbia E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericademissa Klotzsch ex Benth.; Ericapoculiflora E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericastenantha Klotzsch ex Benth.; Ericarhodella E.C. Nelson & E.G.H. Oliv. replacing Ericarhodantha Guthrie & Bolus; Ericasupranubia E.C. Nelson & Pirie replacing Ericapraecox Klotzsch.