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Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
volume 3, number 1, 2022
Carole A McBride
Ira M Bernstein
Amelia B Sybenga
Kelley C McLean
Thomas Orfeo
Maria Cristina Bravo
Placental Maternal Vascular Malperfusion is Associated with Prepregnancy and Early Pregnancy Maternal Cardiovascular and Thrombotic Profiles.
Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
3 (1) (2022)
Carole A McBride
Ira M Bernstein
Amelia B Sybenga
Kelley C McLean
Thomas Orfeo
Maria Cristina Bravo
Placental Maternal Vascular Malperfusion is Associated with Prepregnancy and Early Pregnancy Maternal Cardiovascular and Thrombotic Profiles.
Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
3 (1) (2022)
volume 3, number 4, 2022
Viviane C L Gomes
Ashley K Woods
Kassandra R Crissman
Camille A Landry
Kalie F Beckers
Bryce M Gilbert
Lucas R Ferro
Chin-Chi Liu
Erin L Oberhaus
Jennifer L Sones
Kisspeptin Is Upregulated at the Maternal-Fetal Interface of the Preeclamptic-like BPH/5 Mouse and Normalized after Synchronization of Sex Steroid Hormones.
Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
3 (4) (2022)
volume 1, number 2, 2020
Shervin Assari
Shanika Boyce
Mohsen Bazargan
Cleopatra H Caldwell
Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Sex Hormones among Male and Female American Adolescents.
Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
1 (2) (2020)
Shervin Assari
Shanika Boyce
Mohsen Bazargan
Cleopatra H Caldwell
A Dream Deferred: African American Women's Diminished Socioeconomic Returns of Postponing Childbearing from Teenage to Adulthood.
Reproductive medicine (Basel, Switzerland)
1 (2) (2020)