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Brent W Morgan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Cross Sectional
Anti Inflammatory Drugs
Top Venues
Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Salman Ahsan
Zachary N Illg
Tim Patrick Moran
Brent W Morgan
Joseph E Carpenter
Predictors of prolonged supratherapeutic serum lithium concentrations: a retrospective chart review.
Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Jared T Seale
Joseph E Carpenter
Matthew D Eisenstat
Emily Anne Kiernan
Brent W Morgan
Daniel P Nogee
Xinzhu Pu
Colin A Therriault
Michael Yeh
Owen M McDougal
Veratrum parviflorum poisoning: identification of steroidal alkaloids in patient blood and breast milk.
Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)