- André Hajek
- Karl Peltzer
- Souheil Allit
- Takahiro Tabuchi
- Hans-Helmut König
- Andrew M McIntosh
- Nicola T Fear
- Chung-Ying Lin
- Olumuyiwa Omonaiye
- Mark D Griffiths
- Dan Gerard O'Neill
- Brian B Godman
- Latika Gupta
- Seiji Yasumura
- Juan Gómez Salgado
- Melanie A Gainey
- Abdul-Aziz Seidu
- Sarah Young
- George Davey Smith
- Huajin Wang
- Katie Behrman
- Johnson Zixin Wang
- Luigi Ferruci
- Vikas Agarwal
- Muhammad T
- Kyoung-Ryul Julian Chun
- Youn Ho Shin
- María Mendoza-Muñoz
- David J Price
- Renata Puppin Zandonadi
- Jian-Feng Feng
- Joseph Tak Fai Lau
- Lee Smith
- Johannes Knitza
- Steffen Erhard Petersen
- Frederick Ka Wing Ho
- Marc G H Besselink
- Sharon A M Stevelink
- David Rhys Axon
- PloS one
- International journal of environmental research and public health
- Scientific reports
- BMJ open
- Cureus
- Nutrients
- Frontiers in psychology
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
- Journal of clinical medicine
- The Science of the total environment
- Social science & medicine (1982)
- BMC public health
- Frontiers in public health
- Lancet (London, England)
- Medicine
- Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
- Heliyon
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
- American journal of epidemiology
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Nature communications
- Environmental science and pollution research international
- Psychiatry research
- The American journal of cardiology
- Journal of affective disorders
- Frontiers in psychiatry
- Journal of medical Internet research
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Appetite
- The Veterinary record
- Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
- The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
- Cancers
- Frontiers in neurology
- Nature
- Data in brief
- Statistics in medicine
- Psychological reports
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