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Carlo D Caponecchia
(Carlo Caponecchia)
Scopus Author ID
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
Postoperative Pain
Health Promotion
Cross Sectional
Top Venues
Experimental aging research
Occupational and environmental medicine
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Tim Bentley
Leigh-Ann Onnis
Alexis Vassiley
Ben Farr-Wharton
Carlo D Caponecchia
Catherine Andrew
Sharron O'Neill
Abìlio de Almeida Neto
Vanessa Huron
Nicola Green
A systematic review of literature on occupational health and safety interventions for older workers.
Tim Bentley
Leigh-Ann Onnis
Alexis Vassiley
Ben Farr-Wharton
Carlo D Caponecchia
Catherine Andrew
Sharron O'Neill
Abìlio de Almeida Neto
Vanessa Huron
Nicola Green
A systematic review of literature on occupational health and safety interventions for older workers.
Robyn L Coman
Carlo D Caponecchia
Vinod Gopaldasani
Impact of Public Seating Design on Mobility and Independence of Older Adults.
Experimental aging research
47 (3) (2021)
Carlo D Caponecchia
Elizabeth C Mayland
Transitioning to job redesign: improving workplace health and safety in the COVID-19 era.
Occupational and environmental medicine
77 (12) (2020)