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Colin Adamo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2022
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Randomized Controlled Trial
Hiv Infected
Physical Activity
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JMIR research protocols
Family process
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Robyn E Kilshaw
Colin Adamo
Jonathan E Butner
Pascal R Deboeck
Qinxin Shi
Cynthia M Bulik
Rachael E Flatt
Laura M Thornton
Stuart Argue
Jenna Tregarthen
Katherine J W Baucom
Passive Sensor Data for Characterizing States of Increased Risk for Eating Disorder Behaviors in the Digital Phenotyping Arm of the Binge Eating Genetics Initiative: Protocol for an Observational Study.
JMIR research protocols
11 (6) (2022)
Colin Adamo
Karena Leo
Jasara N Hogan
Alexander O Crenshaw
Katherine J W Baucom
Katherine J W Baucom
Negative Partner Attributions Moderate the Association between Heart Rate Reactivity During Relationship Conflict and Relationship Satisfaction.
Family process
60 (3) (2020)