- Pim Cuijpers
- Amir Hossein Sahebkar
- Kamlesh Khunti F MedSci
- Rodrigo RamÃrez-Campillo
- Filipe Manuel Clemente
- Toshiaki A Furawaka
- Anders Perner
- David Moher
- Jordi Salas Salvadó
- Morten Hylander Möller
- Yoshiya Tanaka
- Ben-Willem J Mol
- Migliorini Filippo
- Asma Khalil
- Andrea Cipriani
- Vincent Israel Opoku Agyapong
- Youn Ho Shin
- Patrick Sean Sullivan
- Gregory Yoke Hong Lip
- Deepak L Bhatt
- Carlos King-Ho Wong
- Hiddo J Lambers Heerspink
- Shaji K Kumar
- Clare Elizabeth Collins
- David Daniel Ebert
- Shefal Y Shorey
- Tim Friede
- Carl Laflamme
- Marcus Bendtsen
- Meletios- Athanasios Dimopoulos
- Anders Granholm
- Kathleen Southern
- David P French
- Jeffrey Braithwaite
- Michael Berk
- Dominique Ann-Michele Cadilhac
- Heleen Riper
- Dean A Fergusson
- Aiwen Lei
- PloS one
- Scientific reports
- BMJ open
- Cureus
- International journal of environmental research and public health
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Nutrients
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
- Medicine
- Journal of clinical medicine
- Trials
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- BMC public health
- The Science of the total environment
- Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
- Frontiers in psychology
- The American journal of cardiology
- Lancet (London, England)
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- Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Vaccine
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- Frontiers in pharmacology
- STAR protocols
- Frontiers in immunology
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Nature communications
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
- Cancer
- Frontiers in public health
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
- Frontiers in oncology
- Contemporary clinical trials
- Environmental science and pollution research international
- Organic letters
- Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy
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