Erik Noschka (E Noschka)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Publications (10 Years): 3
- Austin G Milton, Stephan Lau, Karlea L Kremer, Sushma R Rao, Emilie Mas, Marten F Snel, Paul J Trim, Deeksha Sharma, Suzanne Melissa Edwards, Mark Jenkinson, Timothy John Kleinig, Erik Noschka, Monica Anne Hamilton-Bruce, Simon A KoblarFAST-IT: F ind A S imple T est - I n T IA (transient ischaemic attack): a prospective cohort study to develop a multivariable prediction model for diagnosis of TIA through proteomic discovery and candidate lipid mass spectrometry, neuroimaging and machine learning-study protocol. BMJ open 12 (4) (2022)
- Marco A F Lopes, Joanne Hardy, Kelly Farnsworth, Raphael Labens, W Y Eunice Lam, Erik Noschka, Tiago Afonso, Claudia Cruz Villagrán, Luiz C P Santos, Montague Saulez, Gal Kelmer
- Erik Noschka, Dbw Porter, S H Franklin, Charles G B Caraguel