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Hyun-Jin Park
(Hyun Jin Park)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Minimally Invasive
Botulinum Toxin
Cerebral Palsy
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Top Venues
Yonsei medical journal
Aesthetic surgery journal
Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)
BioMed research international
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Hyun-Jin Park
Friedrich Paulsen
Hongtae Kim
Mi-Sun Hur
Anatomical Trajectory of the Corrugator Supercilii Muscle in Koreans: Implications for Aesthetic and Clinical Practices.
Aesthetic surgery journal
Hee-Jin Kim
Hyun-Jin Park
Jin-Hyun Kim
Seon-Oh Kim
Gwahn Woo Cheon
Min Ho An
Hyung-Jin Lee
Hyung-Jin Lee
Intramuscular Neural Distribution of the Gastrocnemius for Botulinum Neurotoxin Injection: Application to Cosmetic Calf Shaping.
Yonsei medical journal
64 (8) (2023)
Hyun-Jin Park
Jae Wook Baeg
Mi-Sun Hur
Separated muscle belly of the flexor digitorum brevis for the fifth toe: a case report.
Anatomy & cell biology
Hyun-Jin Park
Hyung-Jin Lee
Wonsug Jung
The Superficial Temporal Artery and Zygomatico-Orbital Artery: Superficial Arterial Distribution of the Anterior Temple Area.
BioMed research international
2022 (2022)
Hyun-Jin Park
Shihyun Kim
Soowan Kim
Wu-Chul Song
Hee Jin Kim
The radial artery running over the anatomical snuffbox: a case report.
Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA
44 (5) (2022)
Hyun-Jin Park
Sung-Ok Hong
Hyoung Moon Kim
Wook Oh
Hee-Jin Kim
Positional deformation of the parotid gland: Application to minimally invasive procedures.
Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)
35 (8) (2022)