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Je-Nie Phue


Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2019-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2

Top Topics

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Affiliation History
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Mar 02 2012

United States

Biologist :: Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research

National Institutes of Health/Charles River Laboratories

United States

The process development and production of clinical grade proteins for the clinical trial of conjunction vaccines/Research Specialist IV

AFG Biosolutions, lnc

United States

The process development and production of biologics (interferon, G-CSF, and human growth hormone)/Senior Scientist

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Intramural Research Program (IRP)

United States

The investigation of cellular carbon metabolism by using microarray and phenotype array. The development of high yield strain for DNA Vaccine by gene manipulation/Research Fellow :: NIDDK/Biotechnology Unit

Chong Kun Dang Bio (South Korea) Jan 01 1991

South Korea

The process development and production of recombinant human insulin. cGMP facility design and manufacture of recombinant human insulin/Senior Research Scientist
