- Claudiu T Supuran
- Jennifer A Doudna
- John G Doench
- Clemente Capasso
- Omar S Akbari
- Erik J Sontheimer
- Chase L Beisel
- Alessio Nocentini
- Benjamin P Kleinstiver
- Caixia Gao
- Eugene V Koonin
- Zaiqiang Wu
- Andrea Ageli
- Yiping Qi
- David R Liu
- Huimin Zhao
- Holger Puchta
- Sangsu Bae
- Matthew H Porteus
- Kai Chen
- Dmitry S Karpov
- Khursheed Iqbal
- Sylvain Moinau
- Anshul Kundaje
- Magdy M Mahfouz
- Rodolphe Barrangou
- Juhong Chen
- Michael J Soares
- Eric A Josephs
- Shengdar Q Tsai
- Jesse M Engreitz
- Neville E Sanjana
- Baojun Wang
- Peter C Fineran
- Bing Yang
- Jin-Soo Kim
- Ryan N Jackson
- Samuel H Sternberg
- Hyongbum Henry Kim
- Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association
- Nature communications
- Scientific reports
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
- Nucleic acids research
- Arzneimittel-Forschung
- PloS one
- bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Frontiers in plant science
- Stem cell research
- Nature
- ACS synthetic biology
- The Journal of biological chemistry
- The CRISPR journal
- Frontiers in microbiology
- Analytical chemistry
- Plant biotechnology journal
- Nature biotechnology
- Cell reports
- Cells
- eLife
- Biosensors & bioelectronics
- Molecular cell
- Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
- Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids
- International journal of biological macromolecules
- Cell
- Genes
- Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
- Science (New York, N.Y.)
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications
- Viruses
- Science advances
- STAR protocols
- Journal of vascular surgery
- Genome biology
- Communications biology
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