Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2019
Publications (10 Years): 1
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Venues
IPMA - Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere
New University of Lisbon (PHD)
Affiliation History
IPMA - Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere
Grant :: Division of Environmental Oceanography and Bioprospection
Education History
New University of Lisbon
PHD :: Biochemistry
New University of Lisbon
MSC :: Environment
- Celso Manuel Cristovão Mandume, Narcisa M Bandarra, Joana Raimundo, Helena Maria Lourenço, Susana Gonçalves, Marta Ventura, Inês Delgado, Andreia Rego, Carla Motta, Isabel Castanheira, Maria Leonor Nunes, Maria Paula Duarte