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Madeline Dalton
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Depressive Symptoms
Social Media
Cross Sectional
Health Information
Top Venues
JMIR public health and surveillance
Journal of medical Internet research
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Marie A Bragg
Samina Lutfeali
Tenay Greene
Jessica Osterman
Madeline Dalton
How Food Marketing on Instagram Shapes Adolescents' Food Preferences: Online Randomized Trial.
Journal of medical Internet research
23 (10) (2021)
Samina Lutfeali
Tisheya Ward
Tenay Greene
Josh Arshonsky
Azizi A Seixas
Madeline Dalton
Marie A Bragg
Understanding the Extent of Adolescents' Willingness to Engage With Food and Beverage Companies' Instagram Accounts: Experimental Survey Study.
JMIR public health and surveillance
6 (4) (2020)