Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 5
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina (PHD)
Post-doctoral fellow with a grant within the project “Pathways from early life to cardiometabolic risk during childhood" (PTDC/DTP-EPI/3306/2014).
Lecturer in the 1st and 2nd editions of the "Training in Research Methods", given to the health professionals of primary care units of Gondomar (ACES Gondomar).
Researcher :: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health
Responsible for the curricular unit "Topical Seminars", which is composed of approximately 25 seminars that take place during the academic year with invited personalities from different backgrounds and professional experiences relevant to Public Health.
Post-doctoral fellow with a grant within the European project "Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys" (HEALS) (FP7-ENV-2013-603946). :: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health
Invited assistant of the curricular units Epidemiology I and II, from the Integrated Master in Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. :: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health
Doctoral fellow with a grant financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/69945/2010). :: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health
Internship in epidemiology research
PHD :: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health
- Maria João Fonseca, Carla Moreira, Ana Cristina Santos
- Maria João Fonseca, Ana Cristina Santos, Henrique Barros
- Maria João Fonseca, Milton Severo, Debbie A Lawlor, Henrique Barros, Ana Cristina Santos
- Maria João Fonseca, Milton Severo, Debbie A Lawlor, Henrique Barros, Ana Cristina Santos