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Matthieu Pierre Platre

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Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 19

Top Topics

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

CNRS Délégation Rhône-Auvergne (PHD)

Affiliation History
Salk Institute for Biological Studies Apr 09 2018

United States

Post Doc :: Plant biology

CNRS Délégation Rhône-Auvergne Aug 01 2013 - Sep 30 2014


Engineer :: ENS Lyon, Development and Plant Reproduction

Education History
CNRS Délégation Rhône-Auvergne Oct 01 2014 - Oct 01 2017


PHD :: ENS Lyon Development and Plant Reproduction

PURPAN Engineer School Sep 07 2008 - Jun 23 2013


MSC :: Biology/Agriculture/Food industry/Marketing/Management
