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Oren A Scherman (O A Scherman, Oren Scherman)


Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 64

Top Topics

University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry

California Institute of Technology (PHD)

Affiliation History
University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry

United Kingdom

Professor of Supramolecular and Polymer Chemistry :: Chemistry

University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry

United Kingdom

Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis :: Chemistry

University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry

United Kingdom

Next Generation Fellow & Fellow of Jesus College :: Chemistry

Tsinghua University


Visiting Professor in Chemistry :: Chemistry

Eindhoven University of Technology


NSF MPS-DRF International Postdoctoral Fellow :: Chemistry

Education History
California Institute of Technology

United States

PHD :: Chemistry Department
