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Patison Palee
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2023-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Photodynamic Therapy
Deep Learning
Bone Mineral Density
Convolutional Neural Network
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Anatomy & cell biology
JMIR serious games
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Phisamon Kengkard
Jirachaya Choovuthayakorn
Chollada Mahakkanukrauh
Nadee Chitapanarux
Pittayarat Intasuwan
Yanumart Malatong
Apichat Sinthubua
Patison Palee
Sakarat Na Lampang
Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh
Convolutional neural network of age-related trends digital radiographs of medial clavicle in a Thai population: a preliminary study.
Anatomy & cell biology
56 (1) (2023)
Phisamon Kengkard
Jirachaya Choovuthayakorn
Chollada Mahakkanukrauh
Nadee Chitapanarux
Pittayarat Intasuwan
Yanumart Malatong
Apichat Sinthubua
Patison Palee
Sakarat Na Lampang
Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh
Convolutional neural network of age-related trends digital radiographs of medial clavicle in a Thai population: a preliminary study.
Anatomy & cell biology
56 (1) (2023)
Waritsara Jitmun
Patison Palee
Noppon Choosri
Tisinee Surapunt
The Success of Serious Games and Gamified Systems in HIV Prevention and Care: Scoping Review.
JMIR serious games
11 (2023)
Waritsara Jitmun
Patison Palee
Noppon Choosri
Tisinee Surapunt
The Success of Serious Games and Gamified Systems in HIV Prevention and Care: Scoping Review.
JMIR serious games
11 (2023)
Phisamon Kengkard
Jirachaya Choovuthayakorn
Chollada Mahakkanukrauh
Nadee Chitapanarux
Pittayarat Intasuwan
Yanumart Malatong
Apichat Sinthubua
Patison Palee
Sakarat Na Lampang
Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh
Convolutional neural network of age-related trends digital radiographs of medial clavicle in a Thai population: a preliminary study.
Anatomy & cell biology